Monday, May 3, 2010

New Arrival

I can clearly remember the birth day of both of my children. Noah was born October 31, 1995 when I was the ripe old age of 21. Grace arrived 23 months later on September 27, 1997. I am pretty confident my naivety and youth helped me through those initial years. Also, a healthy community of other mothers parenting toddlers supported me through the sleepless nights, fussy babies, potty training, tantrums and early education of my kids.

My kids are soon to be 15 and 13 and it is as if I blinked and suddenly, I find myself in the throes of parenting teenagers! Now I really understand (and shamelessly say) what old those "old ladies" were saying..."Enjoy it now, because kids grow up fast." Admittedly, as a mother that stands in the shadow of her 5'11" 165lb. baby boy, it does go by too fast and even typing that made my throat tight.

But, as much as I love the memories and miss some of the good 'ol days, I am embracing this new phase of parenting. My husband and I are constantly discussing strategies and methods to guiding our teens through this big, bad world. And, with a lot of prayer and support we intend to enjoy this phase of life and not close our eyes and bare-knuckle, hold on tight and hope for the best. {although I am sure that will sound a lot easier more often than not} In his book, Age of Opportunity, Paul David Tripp writes: A parent recently rejoiced to me that her son had turned twenty, as if he had passed through some magic portal from danger to safety. "We made it!" she said. This survival mentality exposes the poverty of this view of teenagers.

I joked yesterday about my teens and said, "I may need therapy. Not yet, but probably soon." Although I was being sarcastic, my husband always says there is some kind of truth in sarcasm. And, he is usually right about most things. So, this morning I broke out my books, spent some time and prayer and started this blog!

I am also in the process of creating a network of Parents of Teenagers. I announced it at my church, theMovement, yesterday and had an overwhelming response. The goal of the network is to provide relationship, counsel, support and accountability. Please feel free to join me in this venture. Anyone and everyone is invited. You may currently be parenting a teen, exiting the scene but, have something to share or have a toddler and home and you are 'just a planner'. Please leave a comment, follow the blog or send me an e-mail. {if you leave a comment on blogger, please note that you can always comment as anonymous and just sign your name in the text box}



  1. Sunshine, I am so thrilled you have started this blog. As our kids have recently started a new phase too (6 & 8) Erik and I spend more and more time talking and praying about 'parenting on purpose' as they become their own persons, with their own ideas and moral compasses!....just like you pointed out, closing your eyes and hanging on leaves a great gap! I look forward to what you and others share. Any other books/study recommendations for our kids ages? Xoxo Steph Hammel

  2. Stephanie-
    I am currently reading 'Bringing up Girls' by Dr. Dobson and I have 'Bringing up Boys' on order. Next up is reviewing my copy of 'Teach them Diligently' by Lou Priolo.

  3. I am SO excited that you are doing this! I always cringe when people say "teenager" with a grimace or rolled eyes because it doesnt have to be like hear you say you want to "enjoy" this time is so can be SO MUCH FUN....AND it can be contagious.....spread it! :)
